CESAR School

Is an Innovation school. The classes are focused on the interests of the market, both from a technical point of view and on skills such as protagonism, leadership, teamwork and self-entrepreneurship.

  • Year: 2021
  • Duration: 06 months (master degree)
  • My hole: student, researcher and product designer
  • Credits on the end of this page.
CESAR School

What drove the research

For two years I had the pleasure of living in the North of Brazil due to an work opportunity. Being a Brazilian born in the Southeast, I faced the natural differences inherent in the migratory process, and several difficulties came from the linguistic discrepancy that exists within a country of continental sizes, like Brazil.

The line of research focused on how the design can help in the Brazilian multiculturalism, tangible in a digital artifact that would reduce the distance between Brazilian regions.

The process

For development, I used Design Thinking and its particularities to help build the product, in addition to being a process that would help me build everything in less than 6 months, the exact period available to develop the paper.


    Desk research


    User journey


    User flow


    Usability tests
    Accessibility analysis
    Heuristics analysis

Desk research and Interviews

Interviews were made to understand the perception of people who moved to another state and could be experiencing the same difficulties. As a result, it was understood that there was indeed a possibility of study in the area.

Overview and flows

To ensure consistency in the flow, in addition to giving visibility to the entire process and needs, a flow was built. This allowed us to move on to the next stages more safely.



To get an overview and a possible path for the look, the wireframe was heavily stressed. Both low and medium fidelity.


The app

Welcome screens, interaction screens and illustrations were developed to complete the visual stage, after all the foundation was done.


As a designer, I've always enjoyed bringing my art to the concepts I use (we know that's not always possible, so when the opportunity comes, I use it wisely). It helps me get an idea across, reinforce a message, or communicate.


A glossary, with the main expressions used in that region, in addition to easy-to-understand translations and visual support illustration were developed to illustrate one of the main features of the app.

What could be better

A refinement, after the accessibility and heuristics analyzes can help even more in understanding the app. For example, the iconography helps reinforce the message in the bottom menu.


You can check out the entire paper here (it's long, I'm warning you 😬, and it's in PT-BR, my primary language). After presentation to the examining board, it was understood as a project ready to go to the market, with great possibilities of being offered to tourism companies or city halls around the country.


A big thank to Dr. Narle Teixeira, who guided me from beginning to the end of this development, being my advisor and giving me energy and encouragement.

Let's talk!

For partnerships, business inquiries or just for saying hi, send a "hello there" to hello.thalitatorres@gmail.com or fill this form and I get in touch with you.

You can also give a look at my LinkedIn or Dribbble.